Privacy Policy

Legal disclaimer

    1. All of the web pages that make up the website (hereinafter the “Site”) have been made available for the sole purpose of providing information to Users.
    2. The information and material published on the Site (hereinafter the “Content”) is carefully checked so that it is free from as many errors as possible but this does not guarantee a total lack of imprecision or inaccuracy. What’s more, this does not guarantee that the Content is complete, correct and updated.
    3. Krizia constantly strives to ensure that the information on its Site is correct. However, it does not guarantee that all available information is exact, complete and updated. Krizia shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage of any nature resulting from use of its Site.
    4. Access to the Site is optional and the User, by browsing web pages that do not require registration, declares to accept the regulations in force in Italy where applicable. The Owner of the Site reserves the right to change, add or remove any or all Content as well as suspend, interrupt or limit access to the Site or its Content at any time and without notice at its incontestable discretion.
    5. All Content on the site is protected by the copyright regulations currently in force. The User shall not have the right to appropriate, reproduce, change, translate, distribute, publish or use in any form, even partially, the Content of the Site for purposes other than fulfilling his/her contractual obligations with the Owner.
    6. Trademarks and/or any other distinctive mark present on the Site are owned by Krizia and/or other parties and cannot, in any case and for any reason, be used without written permission from the respective Owner.
    7. Without prejudice to the binding limits of the law, the User recognises that he/she uses the site at his/her own and exclusive responsibility. Content is provided “as is” and “as available”. Any guarantee from the Owner of the Site, explicit and/or implicit, is expressly excluded. The Owner of the Site does not guarantee that the Site will be accessible without interruption
    8. It is expressly forbidden to display the Site via framing, deep link or mirroring.
    9. The documentation, images, characters, graphics, software and all other content on the Site, as well as all code and format script, are the property of Krizia or third parties and are protected by the corresponding applicable regulations.
    10. Use of the Site by the User is subject to acceptance of the information in this section and in the Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

This page describes how the website (hereinafter the “Site”) is managed in terms of processing the personal data of its users. The policy is provided to all those who interact with the Web services accessible via This policy concerns all personal data collected and processed by Krizia via the Site, with the exception of: Cookies – see the specific, extended policy regarding cookies at the following link (extended cookies policy). The policy is only valid for the Site and not for any other sites that may be accessed by the user via links. By visiting the Site, you are implicitly accepting the practices detailed in this Privacy Policy.

The collection and processing of personal data
Browsing data

The information systems and software procedures that allow the Site to function acquire personal data during normal use. The sending of this data is implicit in Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be connected to specific individuals but by its very nature, via processing and association with data held by third parties, could be used to identify users. Included in this category are the IP addresses or domain names for the computers used to connect to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of requested resources, the time of request, the method used to send a request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and IT environment. This data is collected with the sole purpose of extracting anonymous, statistical information on how the site is used and to ensure it functions correctly. Such data is cancelled immediately once it has been processed. The data may also be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of cyber-crime.

Data provided voluntarily

The optional, express or voluntary sending of emails to the addresses provided on this site implies the acquisition of the sender’s email address, which is necessary for replying to requests, as well as other personal data in the message. Specific summary guidelines will be detailed or made available on the web pages for particular on-demand services.

Purpose of data processing

The personal data provided and/or communicated by users will be collected and processed for technical administration purposes. The personal data of users who request the sending of material or register for newsletters will be collected and processed for the purpose of performing the requested service or task. Such data may be used by Krizia to carry out its everyday work and, more specifically, for the following purposes: a. managing the user/client relationship; b. carrying out its own business activity; c. other purposes linked or connected to the company’s business such as, by way of example: the improvement of the products and services offered, even if not strictly linked to the services requested by the data subject; market research on client satisfaction, whether directly or via appointed market research agencies, carried out via telephone, questionnaires or, occasionally, personal appointments. Data will be collected and processed by Krizia employees and collaborators tasked with and responsible for data processing. Data will not be communicated to third parties, transferred abroad or publicised.

Processing method

Data is processed using automated means for the length of time that is strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. Specific security measures are followed in order to prevent loss of data, illegal, incorrect or unauthorized use.

Provision of data

Besides what has been specified regarding browsing data, the provision of data for other purposes is optional. Failure to provide such data may make it impossible to pursue such purposes. Processing purpose and scope of communication for personal data

Rights of data subjects

At any time the data subject may cancel, anonymise, copy, update, correct, integrate or block data processed in violation of the law. To exercise such rights the user may send an email to the address given in the “Data Processor” section. This privacy policy may be periodically modified. Use of collected information is subject to the privacy policy in force at the time of use. This document, which is published on, constitutes this Site’s Privacy Policy and is subject to updating (various versions will be available at the same address).

Krizia cookies extended information notice

In accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Personal Data Protection Code) and the Provision of the Italian Data Protection Authority “Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies — 8 may 2014”, Krizia International Srl (Krizia) provides you with the extended information notice relating to the cookies installed on the website (Website).

What are cookies?
Cookies are data created by a server and stored in a text file on the hard disk of your computer, tablet or smartphone; they inform the website of your use of the website and your behaviour patterns and preferences. Cookies may be stored permanently on your device and have a variable duration (so-called persistent cookies) or may disappear when the browser is closed or have a limited lifespan (so-called session cookies). Cookies can be installed by the website you are visiting (so-called first party cookies) or may be installed by other websites (so-called third party cookies).

How does Krizia use cookies?
– Browsing and Functionality cookies: Krizia uses on the Website session and persistent first party cookies to ensure your safe and efficient surfing of the Website, to let you register and access your account, to let you perform your purchases. As per section 122 of Legislative Decree n.196/2003 non consent is required to use these cookies. – Analytics cookies: Krizia uses on the Website persistent first party IBM Coremetrics cookies to analyze accesses to the website and users’ behaviour. As per section 122 of Legislative Decree n.196/2003 consent is required to use these cookies. – Profiling cookies: Krizia uses on the Website persistent first party Add This cookies to enable users to share the content of the site through social networks or e-mail, to create user profiles and to send ads and content in line with the preferences shown by the user during the navigation of the website. As per section 122 of Legislative Decree n.196/2003 consent is required to use these cookies.

How to change cookie settings?
On accessing the home page or any other landing page of a Website, a banner has been shown to you. If you continued browsing by accessing any other section or selecting any item on the website you consented to the use of cookies. You may also object to cookies being recorded on your hard disk by setting your browser to disable cookies. Check here for the instructions of your browser: Internet ExplorerChromeFirefoxOperaSafari. After doing so, however, the Website may not perform correctly.

Limits on communication and dissemination of personal data

Data collected by using cookies will be processed by Krizia’s employees and collaborators appointed as persons in charge of the processing and data processors. Data collected by using cookies may be transferred abroad but will never be sold or disclosed to third parties or disseminated.


Your rights

At any time you can require and obtain the cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form, copying, updating, correction or integration, as well as blocking of data treated unlawfully according to the article 7 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003. In any case, you will have the right to object to any processing of your personal data carried out for commercial information and marketing purposes overall and to object on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data for other purposes.

Data Controller and Data Processor

Data Controller is Krizia International Srl – Corso Venezia 54 – 20121 (MI).
Data Processor is the Administrative Manager of Krizia International Srl.

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